Introducing The U Family

U Family


The U family is a challenge for political candidates, who are trying to secure the votes of the electorate. The U family’s names and identities are centered around the letter “U.” The "U" is the symbol for element uranium on the Periodic Table. The family's U represents power, strength, and an ability to influence others.


Uclid, the father of the U family, is definitely the brains of the bunch. He is a professor at the local university. He is named for Euclid (300 BC), Greek scholar and the most prominent mathematician of antiquity. Euclid is famous for his books on Geometry and The Elements. He also wrote Data, On Divisions, Optics, and Phenomena. The U family’s Uclid, a reincarnation of the original scholar, is practically a university unto himself, competent to teach a wide range of scientific disciplines. To garner his vote, a politician must satisfy his intellectual and rational criteria for what constitutes successful policies.


Urana, the U family’s mother, is the source of energy for the family. She is powerful, yet warm and compassionate. Urana is named after Urania, the goddess, who is the personification of heaven, the source of U power, as it represents the element uranium. Urania in Greek mythology was one of the nine Muses, patron of astronomy. Her attributes were the globe and the compass. Urana approaches politics with her heart, feelings, and a passion for peace.

U Family – The family that texts together

The U family is a modern-day melting pot of what is referred to   as a nuclear family, namely four atomic elements, two males and two females, that, when left alone, manifest spirits of independence and self determination; yet, when combined, are capable of uniting themselves and others into a community of individual spirits that produce a force greater than the sum of the individuals.


Ulysses is the precocious, teenage son of the U family. Ulysses is known for his sense of adventure, his courage, endurance, resourcefulness, and his positive attitude. He is a reflection of his namesake, Ulysses, who is the Greek hero of Homer’s epic story, The Odyssey, about the adventurers of Ulysses, king of Ithaca. who was known as a man of outstanding wisdom, loyalty, eloquence, intelligence, and courage, a warrior and a lover. Homer has been recognized as one of the world’s greatest story tellers. His Odyssey is seen as the world’s first novel. The key to gaining the support of Ulysses is for politicians to spin a vision of expansive opportunities for people to pursue their dreams and be offered the resources to help the seekers achieve them.


Ureka, the daughter and sister in the U family, is known for her sense of insight and discovery. She is curious and always trying to learn new things and search for innovative paths to achieve new victories. Ureka is named for the exclamation Eureka, proclaimed by Archimedes (212 BC), Greek mathematician and inventor, when he discovered how to determine the purity of gold by applying the principle of specific gravity. The shout of Eureka would later be exclaimed by Isaac Newton (1727), who, upon witnessing an apple fall from a tree, was inspired to formulate the law of gravity. Ureka is motivated to pursue her own personal growth and not trying to enlist others into efforts to change the world. She believes that efforts to achieve improvements in the human condition are successful when individuals live the change that they are trying to achieve and not mobilize an army to storm the bastille.

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